Working in partnership with experienced subtitling studios, AP|PORTUGAL translates into more than 20 languages, ensuring a high quality end product for broadcast, youtube videos, DVD and others.
Our professionals work in fields such as film, documentaries, e-learning, tutorials, webinars and business presentations. Through constant monitoring of all stages of the project by one of our project managers, we ensure that your final product will be consistent, high quality and meet your needs.
AP | PORTUGAL has the means to take on a wide range of subtitling projects with the help of our extensive network of collaborators as well as the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over the years. We always keep in mind your project's deadline, no matter the price or size.
New Media
AP | PORTUGAL keeps up-to-date with the latest market trends, such as video streaming and High Definition video (HD / FHD 1080p / QHD / 4K). With integrated services such as translation and subtitling, not only can you make your media accessible, but also break down barriers and impress international markets.
AP | PORTUGAL works with native-speaker subtitlers who guarantee fluency in the target language as well as careful editing to guarantee a comfortable reading speed.
Between the three main types of media - text, images and video - video has become the most important marketing and communication tool for businesses.
Subtitles are a valuable resource, allowing your video to be understood without sound and your message to be passed on to all your viewers without any restrictions.
Even better, they allow your video to be recognised by search engines, meaning you can add subtitles to your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy.
As a specialist in subtitling, AP | PORTUGAL - Tech Language Solutions can optimise your videos by adding subtitles to replace or complement its audio.
YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Streaming Media
Websites like YouTube and Vimeo have become significant communication and marketing vehicles for companies, organisations and individuals.
AP | PORTUGAL can optimise your video, adding subtitles to replace or complement its audio. As opposed to television subtitles, there are no official standards regarding internet video subtitling, so each video player requires different formatting for subtitles.
· Is video dominating the Internet traffic? The answer is subtitling |
These subtitles are specifically prepared for and compatible with YouTube/Vimeo and can be attached to a separate file or incorporated into the audio file. Our native translators can translate subtitles into several languages, allowing your media to gain new audiences.
Including subtitles in your videos and other multimedia content such as Powerpoint presentations and podcasts is especially important, first due to accessibility issues (allowing the d/Deaf community to get your message) and also because subtitles are essential to assure that your video?s content is indexed by search engines.
Corporate TV, Digital Signage
Corporate TV and Digital Signage (informative digital panels) are favoured by businesses to communicate and publicise brands and products. Subtitles are essential for this media because they reinforce the audio message when, for example, the video is being presented to a panel and a great part of the audio is lost due to background noise.
AP | PORTUGAL is always aware of market demands and has a network of professional subtitlers experienced in marketing and communication techniques, guaranteeing fluent subtitles.

For more information, contact AP PORTUGAL via the Portuguese Association of Translation Companies (APET), the Portuguese Association of Translators (APT) or via one of our offices in Lisbon or Porto.
Certified translation agencies build bridges between cultures and are first-class partners for internationalisation projects.Contact us today!